REVIEW TIME: Land by Alex Campbell

Title: Land

Author: Alex Campbell

Release Date: 4th of September, 2014

Publisher: Hot Key Books

Pages: 369 pages

"The sea rose. Civilisation was wiped out, countries drowned. Out of the ashes of a desperate refugee camp, a new society was born, with a new place to call home: Land. Trapped by an aggressive sea, its citizens were bound to rules that saw the weak removed, marriage and children by approval only, and designated work for all. All for the greater good......

Decades later, and seventeen year-old Christy's life is on the cusp of irrevocable change. She has become eligible for the Pairing, a carefully selected marriage of political and social convenience where romance is out of the question. Her grandmother, Cons, has also reached a significant age - sixty-six: soon the Selection Truck will arrive to take her away forever.
Christy’s only hope for protection lies with her missing rebel father…..but nothing goes as it's supposed to. As Christy finds a Pair who might offer a new opportunity for love and security she also uncovers a destiny that has been hidden from her; truths that have been disguised as childhood lies. With Cons’ life under threat, Christy is forced to face a whole new world, one where she must choose between those she cares about and the greater good….a new life where she must play the reluctant rebel, the revolutionary, the lover.....the assassin."


Here was my initial review on goodreads:

Overall feelings:

My overall feelings after reading this book are...
So at first, this wasn't my cup of tea and I thought it was gonna be like every other dystopia book. However, I was pleasantly surprised! It was just beginning to remind me of Matched by Ally Condie when the shit hit the fan and you find out all about Christy's family and the plot really comes alive. I loved that Alex Campbell managed to fit so much World building, character creating and plot into such a short book! I did get the feeling of 'How can one girl be so unlucky?' at one point because everything that could possibly happen to Christy...happens. Finally, I would love a sequel to this book or a novella from One's perspective and to become even more engrossed in this World.


Moo Rating:

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