REVIEW TIME: Scarlet by Marissa Meyer

*Don't get spoiled! Read my Cinder review here first!*

Title: Scarlet

Author: Marissa Meyer

Release Date: 1st January, 2013

Publisher: Puffin

Pages: 452 pages

"This is not the fairytale you remember. But it’s one you won’t forget.
Scarlet Benoit’s grandmother is missing. The police have closed her case. The only person Scarlet can turn to is Wolf, a street fighter she does not trust, but they are drawn to each other.
Meanwhile, in New Beijing, Cinder will become the Commonwealth’s most wanted fugitive – when she breaks out of prison to stay one step ahead of vicious Queen Levana.
As Scarlet and Wolf expose one mystery, they encounter Cinder and a new one unravels. Together they must challenge the evil queen, who will stop at nothing to make Prince Kai her husband, her king, her prisoner . . .

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Here was my initial review on goodreads:

I feel like Scarlet is a great main character but she doesn't come close to my favourite, Cinder. She is a fiery character, who blows her top easily. She seems like someone who would take the bait, if that makes sense? I like Scarlet but I'm not very attached to her.

As for her l interest, Wolf, he is a strong but gentle character. He may be one of Queen Levana's wolf army but he knows it's all a mind trick. Unlike his brother, who takes the wolf army business to heart and believes in it whole heartedly.

Cinder is more kickass in this book than EVER! She escapes from prison in the first chapter in her perspective. She is equipped with new and improved limbs that are so freaking cool! She is definitely my favourite because I feel like despite all she knows, she is fighting. Despite the internal battle she is having with identity and danger, she is pulling through and doing the RIGHT thing even if she's struggling to work out what the right thing even is.

This leads me to Captain Carswell Thorne, the fugitive. He is ex-military who stole a cargo ship amongst other crimes. He is amazing. Seriously, he's so big headed and self-centred, very vain but truly a great character. His personality is one you don't forget easily. Another favourite of mine.

The return of Iko! Huzzah! She is just THE best sidekick ever. I love her so much, her personality is so likeable and caring and just truly lovable. She hates her new body however and wants an upgrade.

Something I love about this book is reading from different perspectives. These perspectives work incredibly well when characters meet up etc.

I feel like this book sets up the plot for the entire series. Cinder felt more like its own story until the ending, whereas Scarlet feels like it's more about the overall plot and what is going on in the World of the book.

So we start with the fairytale 'Little Red Riding Hood', Grandma is missing, Scarlet needs to find her. The police are doing absolutely nothing about her disappearance. This is just the beginning, we meet Scarlet's drunkard father and Wolf, a mysterious guy equipped with heightened senses.

I literally cannot write about this plot without spoiling you, we flip from Cinder and Thorne's adventure, to Scarlet and Wolf's. We also find Cinder's secret unraveling, along with Queen Levana's fight for 'Peace' with Earth.

Overall feelings:

My overall feelings after reading this book are...


Moo Rating:

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